Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
MsgBox "Notice:" &Chr(10) & _
"" &Chr(10) & _
"1. Run With Administrator" &Chr(10) & _
"2. Need Desktop Experience(WS2008R2)" &Chr(10) & _
"3. Before Use , Please Read Readme" , 0 , "Setting & Check Tool"
Dim regpath(15)
regpath(0) = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"
regpath(1) = "RegisteredOwner"
regpath(2) = "RegisteredOrganization"
regpath(3) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\DisableAutoplay"
regpath(4) = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA"
regpath(5) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\"
regpath(6) = "Hidden"
regpath(7) = "HideFileExt"
regpath(8) = "ShowSuperHidden"
regpath(9) = "SeparateProcess"
regpath(10) = "ShowCompColor"
regpath(11) = "SharingWizardOn"
regpath(12) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\IconsOnly"
Dim osselect
osselect = InputBox("1 = Setting Windows 7" &Chr(10) & _
"2 = Setting Windows Server 2008 R2" &Chr(10) & _
"3 = Check Setting" &Chr(10) & _
"4 = Misc Setting" &Chr(10) & _
"9 = Readme" , _
"Select Feature (0=Exit)" , _
"Input A Number For Your Choice")
Loop While IsNumeric(osselect) = Flase
Select Case osselect
Case 0
Case 1
' Return ="%COMSPEC% /k sc config wscsvc start= disabled" , 1 , True)
Return ="sc config wscsvc start= disabled" , 1 , True)
Call sharesetting
Case 2
Return ="sc config Themes start= auto" , 1 , True)
Return ="sc config AudioSrv start= auto" , 1 , True)
Call sharesetting
Case 3
Call checksetting
Case 4
Call miscsetting
Case 9
Call readme
Case else
MsgBox "Error Select & Exit" , 0 , "Message"
End select
Sub sharesetting
Return ="sc config WinDefend start= disabled" , 1 , True)
Return ="sc config MpsSvc start= disabled" , 1 , True)
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(0) & regpath(1) , "Belldandy" , "REG_SZ"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(0) & regpath(2) , "Syaorin" , "REG_SZ"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(3) , 1 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(4) , 0 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(6), 1 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(7), 0 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(8), 1 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(9), 1 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(10), 0 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(11), 0 , "REG_DWORD"
MsgBox "Setting Success" , 0 , "Message"
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub checksetting
Dim co(15)
co(0) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(0) & regpath(1))
co(1) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(0) & regpath(2))
co(2) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(6))
co(3) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(7))
co(4) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(8))
co(5) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(9))
co(6) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(10))
co(7) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(11))
If co(2) = 1 And co(3) = 0 And co(4) = 1 And co(5) = 1 And co(6) = 0 And co(7) = 0 Then
co(8) = "Default Setting"
co(8) = "Unknow Setting"
End If
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer)
Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
For Each objComputer in colSettings
co(9) = objComputer.Name
co(10) = objComputer.Workgroup
co(11) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(3))
If co(11) = 1 Then
co(12) = "Disabled"
co(12) = "Enabled"
End If
co(13) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(4))
If co(13) = 0 Then
co(14) = "Disabled"
co(14) = "Enabled"
End If
Set WinDefend = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='WinDefend'")
Set MpsSvc = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='MpsSvc'")
Dim checkosselect
checkosselect = InputBox("1 = Check Windows 7" &Chr(10) & _
"2 = Check Windows Server 2008 R2" , _
"Select Feature (0=Exit)" , _
"Input A Number For Your Choice")
Loop While IsNumeric(checkosselect) = Flase
Select Case checkosselect
Case 0
Case 1
Set wscsvc = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='wscsvc'")
MsgBox "ComputerName = " &co(9) &Chr(10) & _
"ComputerWorkgroup = " &co(10) &Chr(10) & _
"RegisteredOwner = " &co(0) &Chr(10) & _
"RegisteredOrganization = " &co(1) &Chr(10) & _
"Folder Options Setting = " &co(8) &Chr(10) & _
"Autoplay = " &co(12) &Chr(10) & _
"UAC = " &co(14) &Chr(10) & _
"Security Center : " &wscsvc.State &" , " &wscsvc.StartMode &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Defender : " &WinDefend.State &" , " &WinDefend.StartMode &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Firewall : " &MpsSvc.State &" , " &MpsSvc.StartMode , 0 , "Message"
Case 2
Set Themes = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='Themes'")
Set AudioSrv = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='AudioSrv'")
MsgBox "ComputerName = " &co(9) &Chr(10) & _
"ComputerWorkgroup = " &co(10) &Chr(10) & _
"RegisteredOwner = " &co(0) &Chr(10) & _
"RegisteredOrganization = " &co(1) &Chr(10) & _
"Folder Options Setting = " &co(8) &Chr(10) & _
"Autoplay = " &co(12) &Chr(10) & _
"UAC = " &co(14) &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Defender : " &WinDefend.State &" , " &WinDefend.StartMode &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Firewall : " &MpsSvc.State &" , " &MpsSvc.StartMode &Chr(10) & _
"Themes : " &Themes.State &" , " &Themes.StartMode &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Audio : " &AudioSrv.State &" , " &AudioSrv.StartMode , 0 , "Message"
Case else
MsgBox "Error Select & Exit" , 0 , "Message"
End select
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub miscsetting
Dim response
response = MsgBox("IconsOnly Enable(Yes) or Disable(No)" , 4, "Message")
If response = 6 Then
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(12) , 1 , "REG_DWORD"
WshShell.RegWrite regpath(12) , 0 , "REG_DWORD"
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub readme
MsgBox "Setting Feature:" &Chr(10) & _
"RegisteredOwner -> Belldandy" &Chr(10) & _
"RegisteredOrganization -> Syaorin" &Chr(10) & _
"Folder Option -> Default Setting" &Chr(10) & _
"AutoPlay -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _
"User Account Control -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _
"Security Center -> Disabled (Windows 7 Only)" &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Defender -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Firewall -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _
"Themes -> Auto (Windows Server 2008 R2 Only)" &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Audio -> Auto (Windows Server 2008 R2 Only)" &Chr(10) & _
"" &Chr(10) & _
"Folder Option(Default Setting):" &Chr(10) & _
"Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View -> Advanced settings ->" &Chr(10) & _
"Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files, folders, and drives" &Chr(10) & _
"Hide extensions for known file types -> Not selected" &Chr(10) & _
"Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) -> Not selected" &Chr(10) & _
"Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected" &Chr(10) & _
"Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color -> Not selected" &Chr(10) & _
"Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) -> Not selected" , 0 , "Message"
Exit Sub
End Sub