Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Windows System Assessment Tool(WinSAT) Disable
改2個地方 讓它不會自動執行&手動也不能跑= =
Task Scheduler:(WinSAT->Disabled)
Local Security Policy:(禁用WinSAT.exe)
因為我的 Windows 7 設定關閉螢幕會當機(可能跟程式有相衝 原因不明)
它跑的時候 把電源計劃改成效能(我平常是用平衡 也設定不關螢幕 而且我習慣手動關)
結果就害我當了3次機 而且 效能和平衡關螢幕的時間還不同(20分;15分)
那時我正在忙(打RO XD)
它就排程執行了= =
而且 那時候我CPU使用率超過50%
有點想用回 Windows Server 系列了
Server 的 OS 比較不會做這種事
Windows 7 還用不到2個月(VM上的不算)
改2個地方 讓它不會自動執行&手動也不能跑= =
Task Scheduler:(WinSAT->Disabled)
Local Security Policy:(禁用WinSAT.exe)
因為我的 Windows 7 設定關閉螢幕會當機(可能跟程式有相衝 原因不明)
它跑的時候 把電源計劃改成效能(我平常是用平衡 也設定不關螢幕 而且我習慣手動關)
結果就害我當了3次機 而且 效能和平衡關螢幕的時間還不同(20分;15分)
那時我正在忙(打RO XD)
它就排程執行了= =
而且 那時候我CPU使用率超過50%
有點想用回 Windows Server 系列了
Server 的 OS 比較不會做這種事
Windows 7 還用不到2個月(VM上的不算)
限制軟體執行的方法 (PATH)
Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Software Restriction Policies -> Additional Rules -> New Path Rule (Action -> New Software Restriction Policies)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe
使用登錄檔關閉 Autoplay
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
VBS Check Tool
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") MsgBox "Notice:" &Chr(10) & _ "" &Chr(10) & _ "1. Run With Administrator" &Chr(10) & _ "2. Need Desktop Experience(WS2008R2)" &Chr(10) & _ "3. Before Use , Please Read Readme" , 0 , "Setting & Check Tool" Dim regpath(15) regpath(0) = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" regpath(1) = "RegisteredOwner" regpath(2) = "RegisteredOrganization" regpath(3) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\DisableAutoplay" regpath(4) = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLUA" regpath(5) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\" regpath(6) = "Hidden" regpath(7) = "HideFileExt" regpath(8) = "ShowSuperHidden" regpath(9) = "SeparateProcess" regpath(10) = "ShowCompColor" regpath(11) = "SharingWizardOn" regpath(12) = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\IconsOnly" Dim osselect Do osselect = InputBox("1 = Setting Windows 7" &Chr(10) & _ "2 = Setting Windows Server 2008 R2" &Chr(10) & _ "3 = Check Setting" &Chr(10) & _ "4 = Misc Setting" &Chr(10) & _ "9 = Readme" , _ "Select Feature (0=Exit)" , _ "Input A Number For Your Choice") Loop While IsNumeric(osselect) = Flase Select Case osselect Case 0 Case 1 ' Return ="%COMSPEC% /k sc config wscsvc start= disabled" , 1 , True) Return ="sc config wscsvc start= disabled" , 1 , True) Call sharesetting Case 2 Return ="sc config Themes start= auto" , 1 , True) Return ="sc config AudioSrv start= auto" , 1 , True) Call sharesetting Case 3 Call checksetting Case 4 Call miscsetting Case 9 Call readme Case else MsgBox "Error Select & Exit" , 0 , "Message" End select Sub sharesetting Return ="sc config WinDefend start= disabled" , 1 , True) Return ="sc config MpsSvc start= disabled" , 1 , True) WshShell.RegWrite regpath(0) & regpath(1) , "Belldandy" , "REG_SZ" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(0) & regpath(2) , "Syaorin" , "REG_SZ" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(3) , 1 , "REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(4) , 0 , "REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(6), 1 , "REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(7), 0 , "REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(8), 1 , "REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(9), 1 , "REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(10), 0 , "REG_DWORD" WshShell.RegWrite regpath(5) & regpath(11), 0 , "REG_DWORD" MsgBox "Setting Success" , 0 , "Message" Exit Sub End Sub Sub checksetting Dim co(15) co(0) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(0) & regpath(1)) co(1) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(0) & regpath(2)) co(2) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(6)) co(3) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(7)) co(4) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(8)) co(5) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(9)) co(6) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(10)) co(7) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(5) & regpath(11)) If co(2) = 1 And co(3) = 0 And co(4) = 1 And co(5) = 1 And co(6) = 0 And co(7) = 0 Then co(8) = "Default Setting" Else co(8) = "Unknow Setting" End If strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer) Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem") For Each objComputer in colSettings co(9) = objComputer.Name co(10) = objComputer.Workgroup Next co(11) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(3)) If co(11) = 1 Then co(12) = "Disabled" Else co(12) = "Enabled" End If co(13) = WshShell.RegRead(regpath(4)) If co(13) = 0 Then co(14) = "Disabled" Else co(14) = "Enabled" End If Set WinDefend = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='WinDefend'") Set MpsSvc = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='MpsSvc'") Dim checkosselect Do checkosselect = InputBox("1 = Check Windows 7" &Chr(10) & _ "2 = Check Windows Server 2008 R2" , _ "Select Feature (0=Exit)" , _ "Input A Number For Your Choice") Loop While IsNumeric(checkosselect) = Flase Select Case checkosselect Case 0 Case 1 Set wscsvc = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='wscsvc'") MsgBox "ComputerName = " &co(9) &Chr(10) & _ "ComputerWorkgroup = " &co(10) &Chr(10) & _ "RegisteredOwner = " &co(0) &Chr(10) & _ "RegisteredOrganization = " &co(1) &Chr(10) & _ "Folder Options Setting = " &co(8) &Chr(10) & _ "Autoplay = " &co(12) &Chr(10) & _ "UAC = " &co(14) &Chr(10) & _ "Security Center : " &wscsvc.State &" , " &wscsvc.StartMode &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Defender : " &WinDefend.State &" , " &WinDefend.StartMode &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Firewall : " &MpsSvc.State &" , " &MpsSvc.StartMode , 0 , "Message" Case 2 Set Themes = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='Themes'") Set AudioSrv = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='AudioSrv'") MsgBox "ComputerName = " &co(9) &Chr(10) & _ "ComputerWorkgroup = " &co(10) &Chr(10) & _ "RegisteredOwner = " &co(0) &Chr(10) & _ "RegisteredOrganization = " &co(1) &Chr(10) & _ "Folder Options Setting = " &co(8) &Chr(10) & _ "Autoplay = " &co(12) &Chr(10) & _ "UAC = " &co(14) &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Defender : " &WinDefend.State &" , " &WinDefend.StartMode &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Firewall : " &MpsSvc.State &" , " &MpsSvc.StartMode &Chr(10) & _ "Themes : " &Themes.State &" , " &Themes.StartMode &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Audio : " &AudioSrv.State &" , " &AudioSrv.StartMode , 0 , "Message" Case else MsgBox "Error Select & Exit" , 0 , "Message" End select Exit Sub End Sub Sub miscsetting Dim response response = MsgBox("IconsOnly Enable(Yes) or Disable(No)" , 4, "Message") If response = 6 Then WshShell.RegWrite regpath(12) , 1 , "REG_DWORD" Else WshShell.RegWrite regpath(12) , 0 , "REG_DWORD" End If Exit Sub End Sub Sub readme MsgBox "Setting Feature:" &Chr(10) & _ "RegisteredOwner -> Belldandy" &Chr(10) & _ "RegisteredOrganization -> Syaorin" &Chr(10) & _ "Folder Option -> Default Setting" &Chr(10) & _ "AutoPlay -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _ "User Account Control -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _ "Security Center -> Disabled (Windows 7 Only)" &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Defender -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Firewall -> Disabled" &Chr(10) & _ "Themes -> Auto (Windows Server 2008 R2 Only)" &Chr(10) & _ "Windows Audio -> Auto (Windows Server 2008 R2 Only)" &Chr(10) & _ "" &Chr(10) & _ "Folder Option(Default Setting):" &Chr(10) & _ "Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View -> Advanced settings ->" &Chr(10) & _ "Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files, folders, and drives" &Chr(10) & _ "Hide extensions for known file types -> Not selected" &Chr(10) & _ "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) -> Not selected" &Chr(10) & _ "Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected" &Chr(10) & _ "Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color -> Not selected" &Chr(10) & _ "Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) -> Not selected" , 0 , "Message" Exit Sub End Sub
Unicode 補完計畫 安裝修正&更新(BAT&VBS)
2010/12/30 Update
TAKEOWN /F %WINDIR%\System32\C_950.NLS /A CACLS %WINDIR%\System32\C_950.NLS /E /G Administrators:F REN %WINDIR%\System32\C_950.NLS C_950.BAK COPY C_950.NLS %WINDIR%\System32INSTALL.VBS(VBS 版需將 C_950.NLS 和 INSTALL.VBS 置於桌面)
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim winnlspath , newnlspath , baknlspath winnlspath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%")&"\System32\C_950.NLS" newnlspath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%")&"\Desktop\C_950.NLS" baknlspath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%")&"\System32\C_950.BAK" If (fso.FileExists(winnlspath)) And (fso.FileExists(newnlspath)) Then Return ="TAKEOWN /F %WINDIR%\System32\C_950.NLS /A" , 1 , True) Return ="CACLS %WINDIR%\System32\C_950.NLS /E /G Administrators:F" , 1 , True) fso.MoveFile winnlspath , baknlspath If (fso.FileExists(baknlspath)) And (fso.FileExists(newnlspath)) Then fso.CopyFile newnlspath , winnlspath End If Else MsgBox "Can't Find C_950.NLS & Exit" , 0 , "Message" WScript.Quit End If
VBS License File & Product Key Install Tool
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim osselect , oempath , oemeespath
Dim pn(3)
Dim pk(3)
pn(0) = "Windows Vista (Ultimate)"
pn(1) = "Windows Server 2008 (Enterprise)"
pn(2) = "Windows 7 (Ultimate)"
pn(3) = "Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard)"
pk(0) = "Product Key"
pk(1) = "Product Key"
pk(2) = "Product Key"
pk(3) = "Product Key"
oempath = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\OEM.XRM-MS"
oemeespath = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%")&"\Desktop\OEM.XRM-MS"
MsgBox "UAC(User Account Control) : Never notify" &Chr(10) & _
"OEM.XRM-MS On Desktop" &Chr(10) & _
"BIOS Have SLIC(2.0:Vista&2008 2.1:7&2008 R2)" , 0 , "License File & Product Key Install Tool"
osselect = InputBox("1 = " &pn(0) &Chr(10) & _
"2 = " &pn(1) &Chr(10) & _
"3 = " &pn(2) &Chr(10) & _
"4 = " &pn(3) &Chr(10) , "Select Windows Version (0 = Exit)" , "Input A Numeric For Your Choice")
Loop While IsNumeric(osselect) = flase
Select Case osselect
Case 0
Case 1
Call sharesetting
Return ="SLMGR.VBS -IPK " &pk(0) , 1 , True)
Case 2
Call sharesetting
Return ="SLMGR.VBS -IPK " &pk(1) , 1 , True)
Case 3
Call sharesetting
Return ="SLMGR.VBS -IPK " &pk(2) , 1 , True)
Case 4
Call sharesetting
Return ="SLMGR.VBS -IPK " &pk(3) , 1 , True)
Case else
MsgBox "Error Input & Exit" , 0 , "Message"
End select
Sub sharesetting
If (fso.FileExists(oemeespath)) Then
Return ="SLMGR.VBS -ILC " &oempath , 1 , True)
MsgBox "Can't Find OEM.XRM-MS On Desktop & Exit" , 0 , "Message"
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Windows Server 2008 R2 & Windows 7 Settings
Windows Server 2008 R2:
control userpasswords2 (lusrmgr.msc)
Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Account Policies -> Password Policy -> Maximum password age -> 0
Local Policies -> Security Options -> Interactive logon : Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL -> Enabled
Server Manager -> Server Summary -> Computer information -> Do not show me this console at logon -> Selected
Security Information -> Configure IE ESC -> Administrators: -> Off
Users: -> Off
Features Summary -> Add Features -> Desktop Experience -> Selected
Wireless LAN Service -> Selected
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Performance Settings -> Visual Effects -> Adjust for best appearance
Advanced -> Processor scheduling -> Programs
Date Execution Prevention -> Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only
gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Display Shutdown Event Tracker -> Disabled
services.msc -> Themes -> Automatic
Windows Audio -> Automatic
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> RegisteredOwner
Windows 7:
Control Panel -> AutoPlay -> Use AutoPlay for all mdeia and devices -> Not selected
Notification Area Icons -> Turn system icons on or off -> Action Center -> Off
Power Options -> Balanced(recommended) -> Change plan settings -> Change advanced power settings -> Display -> Turn off display after -> Setting: Nerver(0)
Hard disk -> Turn off hard disk after -> Setting: Nerver(0) [X]WS2008R2[X]
Sleep -> Sleep after -> Setting: Nerver(0) [X]WS2008R2[X]
System -> Advanced system settings -> System Protection -> Configure -> Turn off system protection [X]WS2008R2[X]
Remote -> Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer -> Not selected [X]WS2008R2[X]
User Accounts -> Change User Account Control settings -> Never notify
Folder Options -> View -> Advanced settings -> Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files, folders, and drives
Hide extensions for known file types -> Not selected
Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) -> Not selected
Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected
Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color -> Not selected
Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) -> Not selected
services.msc -> Security Center -> Disabled [X]WS2008R2[X]
Windows Defender -> Disabled
Windows Firewall -> Disabled
taskschd.msc -> Task Scheduler (Local) -> Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Defrag -> ScheduledDefrag -> Disabled
Maintenance -> WinSAT -> Disabled [X]WS2008R2[X]
control userpasswords2 (lusrmgr.msc)
Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Account Policies -> Password Policy -> Maximum password age -> 0
Local Policies -> Security Options -> Interactive logon : Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL -> Enabled
Server Manager -> Server Summary -> Computer information -> Do not show me this console at logon -> Selected
Security Information -> Configure IE ESC -> Administrators: -> Off
Users: -> Off
Features Summary -> Add Features -> Desktop Experience -> Selected
Wireless LAN Service -> Selected
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Performance Settings -> Visual Effects -> Adjust for best appearance
Advanced -> Processor scheduling -> Programs
Date Execution Prevention -> Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only
gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Display Shutdown Event Tracker -> Disabled
services.msc -> Themes -> Automatic
Windows Audio -> Automatic
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> RegisteredOwner
Windows 7:
Control Panel -> AutoPlay -> Use AutoPlay for all mdeia and devices -> Not selected
Notification Area Icons -> Turn system icons on or off -> Action Center -> Off
Power Options -> Balanced(recommended) -> Change plan settings -> Change advanced power settings -> Display -> Turn off display after -> Setting: Nerver(0)
Hard disk -> Turn off hard disk after -> Setting: Nerver(0) [X]WS2008R2[X]
Sleep -> Sleep after -> Setting: Nerver(0) [X]WS2008R2[X]
System -> Advanced system settings -> System Protection -> Configure -> Turn off system protection [X]WS2008R2[X]
Remote -> Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer -> Not selected [X]WS2008R2[X]
User Accounts -> Change User Account Control settings -> Never notify
Folder Options -> View -> Advanced settings -> Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files, folders, and drives
Hide extensions for known file types -> Not selected
Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) -> Not selected
Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected
Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color -> Not selected
Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) -> Not selected
services.msc -> Security Center -> Disabled [X]WS2008R2[X]
Windows Defender -> Disabled
Windows Firewall -> Disabled
taskschd.msc -> Task Scheduler (Local) -> Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Defrag -> ScheduledDefrag -> Disabled
Maintenance -> WinSAT -> Disabled [X]WS2008R2[X]
VBS Service Settings Tool
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim osselect
MsgBox "Disabled :" &Chr(10) & _
"Security Center (Windows 7)" &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Defender" &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Firewall" &Chr(10) & _
"Automatic :" &Chr(10) & _
"Themes (Windows Server 2008 R2)" &Chr(10) & _
"Windows Audio (Windows Server 2008 R2)" , 0 , "Service Setting Tool"
osselect = InputBox("1 = Windows 7" &Chr(10) & _
"2 = Windows Server 2008 R2" , "Select Windows Version (0=Exit)" , "Input A Numeric For Your Choice")
Loop While IsNumeric(osselect) = Flase
Select Case osselect
Case 0
Case 1
Return ="sc config wscsvc start= disabled" , 1 , True) ' %COMSPEC% /k(/c)
Call sharesetting
Case 2
Return ="sc config Themes start= auto" , 1 , True)
Return ="sc config AudioSrv start= auto" , 1 , True)
Call sharesetting
Case else
MsgBox "Error Select & Exit" , 0 , "Message"
End select
Sub sharesetting
Return ="sc config WinDefend start= disabled" , 1 , True)
Return ="sc config MpsSvc start= disabled" , 1 , True)
Exit Sub
End Sub
VBS RegisteredOwner&Organization Tool
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim RegisteredOwner , RegisteredOrganization
RegisteredOwner = InputBox("Input Registered Owner" , "Message" , "Belldandy")
RegisteredOrganization = InputBox("Input Registered Organization" , "Message" , "Syaorin")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOwner" , RegisteredOwner , "REG_SZ"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization" , RegisteredOrganization , "REG_SZ"
投稿 (Atom)