
RO 修改檔下載網頁


Windows Others 設定



MUICache [X]WS2008&VISTA[X]

Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Software Restriction Policies -> Additional Rules -> New Path Rule (Action -> New Software Restriction Policies)


set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
start devmgmt.msc

Windows 7 設定

Control Panel -> AutoPlay -> Use AutoPlay for all mdeia and devices -> Not selected
Notification Area Icons -> Action Center -> Hide icon and notifications
System -> Advanced system settings -> System Protection -> Configure -> Turn off system protection
Remote -> Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer -> Not selected
User Accounts -> Change User Account Control settings -> Never notify
services.msc -> Security Center -> Disabled
Windows Defender -> Disabled
Windows Firewall -> Disabled
; Windows Update -> Disabled
Folder Options -> View -> Advanced settings -> Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files, folders, and drives
Hide extensions for known file types -> Not selected
Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) -> Not selected
Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected
Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color -> Not selected
Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) -> Not selected

Windows Vista 設定

Control Panel -> AutoPlay -> Use AutoPlay for all mdeia and devices -> Not selected
Security Center -> Change the way Security Center alerts me -> Don't notify me and don't display the icon (not recommended) [X]WS2008[X]
User Accounts -> Turn User Account Control on or off -> Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer -> Not selected
Windows Sidebar Properties -> Start Sidebar when Windows starts -> Not selected [X]WS2008[X]
services.msc -> Security Center -> Disabled [X]WS2008[X]
Windows Defender -> Disabled
Windows Firewall -> Disabled
Windows Time -> Disabled
; Windows Update -> Disabled
Folder Options -> View -> Advanced settings -> Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files and folders
Hide extensions for known file types -> Not selected
Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) -> Not selected
Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected
Remember each folder's view settings -> Not selected
Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color -> Not selected
Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) -> Not selected
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -> Windows Defender -> Delete

Windows XP 設定

Control Panel -> Date and Time -> Internet Time -> Automatically synchronize with an Internet time server -> Not Selected
Display -> Appearance -> Effects -> Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts: -> Selected
Network Connections -> Local Area Connection -> Properties -> Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Use the following IP address:
IP address: 192.168.x.x(x=0~255)
Subnet mask:
Power Options -> Hibemate -> Enable hibemation -> Not Selected [X]WS2003[X]
System -> Advanced -> Performance -> Settings -> Advanced -> Virtual memory -> Change -> No paging file -> Set
Startup and Recovery -> Settings -> System startup -> Time to display list of operating system: -> Selected
System Restore -> Turn off System Restore -> Selected [X]WS2003[X]
Automatic Updates -> Turn off Automatic Updates
Remote -> Remote Assistance -> Allow Remote Assistance invitations to be sent from this computer -> Not Selected [X]WS2003[X]
gpedit.msc -> Local Computer Policy -> User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Turns off Autoplay -> Enabled
Turns off Autoplay on: -> All drives
services.msc -> Automatic Updates -> Disabled
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service -> Disabled [X]WS2003[X]
Security Center -> Disabled [X]WS2003[X]
Folder Options -> View -> Advanced settings -> Display file size information in folder tips -> Selected
Display the contents of system folders -> Selected
Display the full path in the address bar -> Selected
Display the full path in the title bar -> Selected
Do not cache thumbnails -> Selected
Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files and folders
Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected
Show Control Panel in My Computer -> Selected
Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items -> Selected

Automatically search for network folders and printers -> Not selected
Display simple folder view in Explorer's Folders list -> Not selected
Display the contents of system folders -> Selected
Display the full path in the title bar -> Selected
Do not cache thumbnails -> Selected
Hidden files and folders -> Show hidden files and folders
Hide extensions for known file types -> Not selected
Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) -> Not selected
Launch folder windows in a separate process -> Selected
Remember each folder's view settings -> Not selected
Show Control Panel in My Computer -> Selected
Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color -> Not selected
Use simple file Sharing (Recommended) -> Not selected [X]WS2003[X]

Windows Server 2008 設定

control userpasswords2 (lusrmgr.msc)
Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Account Policies -> Password Policy -> Maximum password age -> 0
Local Policies -> Security Options -> Interactive logon : Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL -> Enabled
Server Manager -> Server Summary -> Computer information -> Do not show me this console at logon -> Selected
Security Information -> Configure IE ESC -> Administrators: -> Off
Users: -> Off
Features Summary -> Add Features -> Desktop Experience -> Selected
Wireless LAN Service -> Selected
Control Panel -> Personalization -> Display Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Troubleshoot -> Change settings -> Full
System -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Performance Settings -> Visual Effects -> Adjust for best appearance
Advanced -> Processor scheduling -> Programs
Date Execution Prevention -> Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only
gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Display Shutdown Event Tracker -> Disabled
services.msc -> Themes -> Automatic
Windows Audio -> Automatic
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)-> Automatic
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> RegisteredOwner

Windows Server 2003 設定

control userpasswords2 (lusrmgr.msc)
Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Account Policies -> Password Policy -> Maximum password age -> 0
Local Policies -> Security Options -> Interactive logon : Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL -> Enabled
Manage Your Server -> Don't display this page at logon -> Selected
Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> Add Windows Components -> Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration -> Not selected
Display Properties -> Settings -> Troubleshoot -> Full
System -> Advanced -> Performance Settings -> Visual Effects -> Adjust for best appearance
Advanced -> Processor scheduling -> Programs
Memory usage -> Programs
Date Execution Prevention -> Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only
gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Display Shutdown Event Tracker -> Disabled
services.msc -> Themes -> Automatic
Windows Audio -> Automatic
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)-> Automatic
dxdiag -> Display -> DirectDraw -> Enabled
Direct3D -> Enabled
AGP Texture -> Enabled
Sound -> Full

RO 圖檔韓文檔名


검사_남.spr (Swordman)
궁수_남.spr (Archer)
도둑_남.spr (Thief)
마법사_남.spr (Magician)
상인_남.spr (Merchant)
성직자_남.spr (Acolyte)
기사_남.spr (Knight)
로그_남.spr (Rogue)
몽크_남.spr (Monk)
바드_남.spr (Bard)
세이지_남.spr (Sage)
신페코크루세이더_남.spr (Crusader+)
어세신_남.spr (Assassin)
연금술사_남.spr (Alchemist)
위저드_남.spr (Wizard)
제철공_남.spr (BlackSmith)
크루세이더_남.spr (Crusader)
페코페코_기사_남.spr (Knight+)
프리스트_남.spr (Priest)
헌터_남.spr (Hunter)

검사_여.spr (Swordman)
궁수_여.spr (Archer)
도둑_여.spr (Thief)
마법사_여.spr (Magician)
상인_여.spr (Merchant)
성직자_여.spr (Acolyte)
기사_여.spr (Knight)
로그_여.spr (Rogue)
몽크_여.spr (Monk)
무희_여.spr (Dancer)
세이지_여.spr (Sage)
신페코크루세이더_여.spr (Crusader+)
어세신_여.spr (Assassin)
연금술사_여.spr (Alchemist)
위저드_여.spr (Wizard)
제철공_여.spr (BlackSmith)
크루세이더_여.spr (Crusader)
페코페코_기사_여.spr (Knight+)
프리스트_여.spr (Priest)
헌터_여.spr (Hunter)


로드나이트_남.spr (Lord Knight)
로드페코_남.spr (Lord Knight+)
스나이퍼_남.spr (Sniper)
스토커_남.spr (Stalker)
어쌔신크로스_남.spr (Assassin Cross)
챔피온_남.spr (Champion)
크리에이터_남.spr (Creator)
클라운_남.spr (Clown)
팔라딘_남.spr (Paladin)
페코팔라딘_남.spr (Paladin+)
프로페서_남.spr (Professor)
하이위저드_남.spr (High Wizard)
하이프리_남.spr (High Priest)
화이트스미스_남.spr (Whitesmith)

로드나이트_여.spr (Lord Knight)
로드페코_여.spr (Lord Knight+)
스나이퍼_여.spr (Sniper)
스토커_여.spr (Stalker)
어쌔신크로스_여.spr (Assassin Cross)
집시_여.spr (Gypsy)
챔피온_여.spr (Champion)
크리에이터_여.spr (Creator)
팔라딘_여.spr (Paladin)
페코팔라딘_여.spr (Paladin+)
프로페서_여.spr (Professor)
하이위저드_여.spr (High Wizard)
하이프리_여.spr (High Priest)
화이트스미스_여.spr (Whitesmith)


아크비숍_남.spr (Arc Bishop)
길로틴크로스_남.spr (Glt. Cross)
미케닉_남.spr (Mechanic)
레인져_남.spr (Ranger)
룬나이트_남.spr (Rune Knight)
룬나이트쁘띠_남.spr (Rune Knight+)
워록_남.spr (Warlock)
쉐도우체이서_남.spr (Shadow Chaser)
민스트럴_남.spr (Minstrel)
슈라_남.spr (Sura)
가드_남.spr (Royal Guard)
그리폰가드_남.spr (Royal Guard+)
제네릭_남.spr (Genetic)
소서러_남.spr (Sorcerer)

아크비숍_여.spr (Arc Bishop)
길로틴크로스_여.spr (Glt. Cross)
미케닉_여.spr (Mechanic)
레인져_여.spr (Ranger)
룬나이트_여.spr (Rune Knight)
룬나이트쁘띠_여.spr (Rune Knight+)
워록_여.spr (Warlock)
쉐도우체이서_여.spr (Shadow Chaser)
원더러_여.spr (Wanderer)
슈라_여.spr (Sura)
가드_여.spr (Royal Guard)
그리폰가드_여.spr (Royal Guard+)
제네릭_여.spr (Genetic)
소서러_여.spr (Sorcerer)